Useful Links

Links with our local Churches

We are a Church of England school and have strong links with the churches, St Mary’s at Shipton-under-Wychwood and St Simon and St Jude at Milton-under-Wychwood.

The school is very well supported by Rev. Kate Stacey, who is our Chair of our Governing Body and Rev. Anne Hartley. They take assemblies and support the classes in their RE lessons.

We also visit the churches as part of the curriculum, looking at the history and structure of the church. We hold our Harvest Festival, Christmas Service, Easter Service and Year 6 Moving on service at St Mary’s Church.

Milton and Shipton Churches are part of the United Benefice of Shipton-under-Wychwood, Milton-under-Wychwood, Fifield and Idbury. To find out more about the Benefice visit

The Wychwoods

The school is situated between Shipton-under-Wychwood and Milton-under-Wychwood. To find out more about these villages and Ascott-under-Wychwood, which is not part of our catchment area but makes up the 3 Wychwood villages, look on their websites (links below):




The Wychwood Magazine

We make a regular contribution to the Wychwood Magazine each issue. This may be information about events at the school, some of the childrens work or about visits classes have made. We hope local residents find this interesting reading and helps inform them what is happening at the school.

Link to magazine website

Wychwood Library

We are very fortunate to have a library in Milton, the school has close links and classes visit the library and the staff from the library visit the school. We help to promote the summer holiday reading scheme and encourage pupils to visit the library if carrying out research for a school project. Click the link to find out about the opening hours and activities taking place each week.

Link to Library website